
Webcasts (series, documentaries, podcasts, etc.)

MAJ is Radio-Canada’s information platform aimed at children aged 9 to 13. Each week, MAJ simplifies major news stories and covers a variety of topics, providing young audiences with their first exposure to current events and encouraging the development of critical thinking.

Growing Up Online gives young people a voice on their relationship with social media. With experts and content creators Emy Lalune, Claudie Mercier, Adam Paradis, and Enola Bédard, tips are shared on how to use social media in a positive and balanced way.

These modules are categorized into three difficulty levels – beginner, intermediate, and advanced – and are presented as engaging and instructional video capsules. Each module includes seven video capsules focused on specific music creation projects, designed to stimulate creativity and enhance technical skills.

#DansLaToile –
Short webseries. Mitzi and Noah will learn to identify responsible behaviors that ensure safe navigation – so that one day they can venture out on their own #InTheWeb in complete freedom.

Pause-techno IA – *Only in French. A series of eight video capsules produced by Héros de chez nous. This series explores the interdisciplinarity of artificial intelligence (AI) through various fields such as video games, the environment, transportation, health, quantum, ethics, and future career opportunities.

En Ligne – Télé-Québec
The comedian Mehdi Bousaidan dives into the digital world in search of practical advice and essential notions to adopt good online practices.

Branchés et futés (BD) – Commissariat à la protection de la vie privée du Canada
A comic book to help young Canadians better understand online privacy issues and how to surf the Internet safely.

Festival du numérique et de l’entrepreneuriat – COlab innovation sociale et culture numérique
This content, accompanied by educational sheets, will allow young people to identify with positive role models who have unique and inspiring journeys.

 Allô Lél’IA – CScience IA
Series of humorous and original video capsules about Artificial Intelligence.

The Age of A.I. – YouTube Learning
Robert Downey Jr. hosts a brand new YouTube Originals series – The Age of A.I. Discover the most innovative and leading technologies that will change the world forever.

Le Wagon Live – Le Wagon
Every week, Le Wagon invites a tech entrepreneur to share their story.

La Puce à l’oreille – La puce à l’oreille
La puce à l’oreille imagines, creates, produces and distributes narrative audio content (podcasts, audio tours, audio guides, etc.) for French-speaking children and adolescents.

Les comptes des 1001 merdes – Musée de la civilisation
Underestimated riches, inexhaustible sources of humor and bearers of social issues, human dejecta are nevertheless completely evacuated from cultural and social discourse. Lend an ear, shit is an excrementally rich subject!

Le Projet Code IA – CScience Le Lab
Code IA is a Quebec web documentary series composed of five 12-minute episodes in which six students from the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), aged between 19 and 27, have the mission of proposing, in pairs, a concrete solution based on coding and programming in artificial intelligence.

  • Série. HUMANITEQ – savoir. média
    Entitled AI & Humanity, the first series of HUMANITEQ includes five episodes addressing the issues of synthetic voice, personal assistants, autonomous cars, automatic text generators and personalized recommendation systems.

Série. HUMANITEQ – savoir. média
Entitled AI & Humanity, the first series of HUMANITEQ includes five episodes addressing the issues of synthetic voice, personal assistants, autonomous cars, automatic text generators and personalized recommendation systems.

Mini-lesson – In the Shadow of the Star Wars Kid – Read NFB
NFB EDUCATION is the NFB’s educational platform where you will find a multitude of films, workshops and educational resources related to major social issues here and elsewhere!
Quebec teachers (primary, secondary, adult education), create your NFB CAMPUS account and access the mini-lessons and other educational resources for free via this link :

Dans l’ombre du Star Wars Kid  Télé-Québec en classe
Un film à voir absolument avec vos élèves, accompagné de ressources pédagogiques clés en main, pour vous!  L’histoire d’un jeune garçon devenu une vedette mondiale à son insu.Lorsqu’il avait 15 ans, Ghyslain Raza a été victime d’intimidation après qu’une vidéo de lui, publiée à son insu, soit devenue virale. Sur Internet, il a été surnommé le « Star Wars Kid ». Aujourd’hui adulte, il sort de l’ombre. Il revisite son histoire et questionne le phénomène de la viralité, les pièges de médias sociaux et le droit à l’oubli à l’ère du numérique.
Le film est également disponible sur CAMPUS de l’ONF. Enseignants du Québec (Primaire, secondaire, Éducation aux adultes), créez votre compte CAMPUS de l’ONF et accédez aux mini- leçons et autres ressources pédagogiques gratuitement via ce lien :

#VraimentVrai –Agence Science-Presse
*In french only.
A series of 4 video vignettes with
journalists specializing in misinformation or science who share their thoughts
on their jobs and tips for verifying information. Presented by Agence

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