
Immersive universe & applications

Troubadour is an online resource designed to help elementary school students improve their writing skills. With its unique interface, it encourages the emergence of ideas and places the learner at the heart of his or her learning.

Extrait du roman augmenté Bandits des mers – Les Éditions AppLit
*In French. Lora Boisvert and Carolyn Chouinard offer an immersive experience combining literature and augmented reality. Thanks to the AppLit Editions application, dive into the heart of the plot, observe the settings in 360 degrees and solve the riddles!

L’île du savoir – Archipel Virtuel – Eurêka
An exciting (and educational!) game for 8 years old and up, and a unique cultural window on science and technology!

Interland – Google
Online adventure game, which presents the key points of digital security in the form of practical exercises.

Alec (Apprendre à Lire Et Compter) – eduMedia
Alec is a collection of educational games for practicing French and math in preschool and elementary school.

App mobile éducative Ecoist Club – Ecoist Club
Measure your digital carbon footprint and adopt sustainable digital practices suggested by experts.

Xplore – Pixsenses
An educational game in augmented reality.

Snowclass – Emerging Playgrounds
Interactive learning in French and mathematics.

Trendit is an application that optimizes event communication in Montreal. It allows the new generation to find events in the city based on their interests and passions!

Vocatio dispose de plusieurs vidéos 360 a découvrir dans les casques Méta Quest en version immersive. Nous pouvons proposer des ateliers ou des activités pour permettre de découvrir des métiers.

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