Studies and Future careers

Protection of personal information – École de Technologie Supérieure
*Only offered in French. General public summary of the content of the ÉTS gti720 course on privacy. Potential for privacy inference and privacy enhancing technologies will be discussed.
Privacy Pirates – HabiloMédias
This interactive game introduces children, ages 7-9, to the concept of online privacy and teaches them to distinguish between information that is appropriate to give out and information better kept private – and to recognize how this may change in different contexts.
Place pour toi – Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
Whether you’re a boy or a girl, engineering is an exciting field with endless possibilities for your future. Visit this site to find out more.
Femmes et numérique – Printemps numérique
Through nine short videos, meet these women who have chosen to take their place in order to make gender diversity exist in the digital field. See the impact you can have with your skills.
Ma carrière techno – Ma vie techno
Tests, advice and a wide range of information related to careers and training in information and communication technologies (ICT).
Guide de l’industrie :: NUMÉRIQUE – Le Lien MULTIMÉDIA
Much more than a simple address book, the Guide de l’industrie :: NUMÉRIQUE is continuously updated and presents in detail more than 2,500 companies, 6,000 contacts in the industry as well as their suppliers.
Découvrir les emplois d’avenir – Gouvernement du Québec
A job with a future has favorable employment or labor market integration prospects. For example, when the number of people enrolled in a training program leading to a job is insufficient to meet the need, it is considered a job with a future. This makes it an excellent career choice!
Post-secondary programs in computer graphics– SYNTHÈSE
Develop the skills you need to successfully enter the job market.
Computer graphics companies – SYNTHÈSE
Work in a fast-growing industry.
Top 20 des métiers d’avenir en web au Québec –
Web career, internet, techno, employment, shortage of manpower in demand. Salary, tasks, training and skills, we tell you everything about the Web professions in Quebec!
Le Wagon Live – Le Wagon
Every week, Le Wagon invites a tech entrepreneur to share their story.
Les métiers du Développement Web – Le Wagon
You know it well: today, technology is everywhere! The web and mobile applications are constantly evolving, and companies must surround themselves with competent profiles. Fullstack developer, Product Owner, UX Designer… each of these professions responds to specific challenges! To help you see more clearly, here is more information on their missions and the skills needed to perform them.
Les métiers de la Data Science – Le Wagon
With the rise of Big Data, the profiles trained in Data Science are increasingly sought after by companies. Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer… each of these professions responds to specific challenges! To help you see more clearly, here is more information on their missions and the skills needed to perform them.
Mon Avenir TI – Mon Avenir TI
Group of employers and partners in the Quebec City region promoting the digital sector and opportunities for training and employment.
BOUSSOLE: the portal for the jobs of the future in digital creation – SYNTHÈSE
PExplore BOUSSOLE, the educational and career guidance portal, to discover the video game, digital experience, visual effects and animation sectors in Quebec.
Through this virtual toolbox, dive into the heart of the digital creation sectors and consult detailed job descriptions enriched with video capsules from professionals in the Quebec industry.
You’ll also have the opportunity to explore the training programs offered by educational institutions across Quebec.
If you dream of participating in a creative, young and dynamic industry, your adventure begins on BOUSSOLE! !