Develop your creativity

Studio Riopelle is a free educational interface available to all Canadian schools! – Jean Paul Riopelle Foundation
In this presentation of the Studio Riopelle pedagogical interface, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the multitude of fun and stimulating resources available to you: 100+ works, 5 themes related to the work of Jean Paul Riopelle, 10 art projects for young people and teens, 5 online creation games for everyone, 18 didactic, technical and thematic videos, 1 page: Meet Riopelle, 1 lexicon, 1 Teacher’s Guide, 1 Rio!
MACrépertoire – MAC Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
MACrepertoire is a unique digital platform designed to increase the discoverability of the MAC collections. A remarkable national collection, with nearly 8000 works.
Fonofone – COSIMU
Mini-studio allowing to play with recorded sounds and designed for collective performance. Available on iPad and soon on all supports via WEB, it favors an immediate and intuitive relationship with sound creation and the various techniques of composition.
Mission Lifeboat – Montréal Science Center
Play with science and prototyping in the “Lifeboat Challenge”! Put your creativity to work and watch yourself explore and invent! So much fun!
ScienceXpress – Montréal Science Center
Looking for an experiment, a DIY, a trippy video? This is the place to be!
Lab-yrinthe – UQAM
Lab-yrinthe introduces the various forms that digital artworks can take and offers modules to support the publishing industry in the production of digital artworks for young people.
MLab Creaform – Musée de la civilisation
A laboratory for creation and digital experimentation.
Media School : Digital Storytelling– ONF
Digital Storytelling is an introductory workshop on media production guided by filmmaker and mentor Paul Tom. Students will navigate through hundreds of videos and interactive activities related to the different stages of film production. They will acquire the tools to create their own digital stories, dynamic videos composed of photos, narration and music, using accessible equipment such as their smartphones and widely available software.
Puzzle Danse – Agora de la danse
Puzzle danse is a creative game from Agora de la danse at the crossroads of digital puzzles and choreographic creation. Play choreographer, invent a dance and share it! Choose a dance style and music, and assemble dance pieces to create a choreography.
Troubadour – Nanomonx
Troubadour is a creative writing platform that helps to develop the writing skills of elementary school students. In a unique and fun way, it allows the creation of settings that encourage the emergence of ideas and facilitate the writing process.
MACrépertoire – Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
The MACrepertoire is a diversified source of information on the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal’s collection, artists, events and publications since its founding in 1964. This evolving research tool makes available to the general public the rich array of works and resources related to the MAC’s collections and cultural programming, with an emphasis on visual content, including countless images and videos. The Museum also freely shares open data content to promote the influence of contemporary art in the digital space, as well as the accessibility and creative reuse of data through innovative projects linked to the collections (data visualization, applications, etc.).
Écran Partagé aide les parents, jeunes et néophytes à mieux comprendre les jeux vidéo, nous décortiquons leur contenu afin d’expliquer leurs éventuels pièges.
Mettez à l’épreuve votre esprit critique en identifiant les canulars dans un quiz. Puis réalisez votre propre canular: la découverte d’une nouvelle espèce animale que vous créerez de toutes pièces à partir de photos d’animaux et de paysages.
Vérité ou mensonge ? Le jeu – Centre des sciences de Montréal
Série de huit capsules vidéo élaborées par Héros de chez nous. Cette série explore l’interdisciplinarité de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) à travers divers domaines tels que les jeux vidéo, l’environnement, le transport, la santé, le quantique, l’éthique, et les opportunités de carrière future.
Contenu de va-et-vient