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27apr(apr 27)9:00 pm29mar(mar 29)10:00 pmTo your machines!By Musée d’histoire de Sherbrooke

28nov(nov 28)9:00 am09mar(mar 9)9:00 pmLumino, 15th editionBy Quartier des spectacles Montreal

04dec(dec 4)9:00 am07sep(sep 7)6:00 pmThe DNA of Superheroes – A Youth Adventure ExhibitionBy Musée Pop

19dec(dec 19)9:00 am21sep(sep 21)6:00 pmCrowds. Human LaboratoryBy Museum of Civilization

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmMuseum of IllusionPar Musée de l'illusion

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmTerra MutantèsBy Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmMusi'Quiz: The Musical GamePar Musi'Quiz

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmWarp Inc. - Time TravelBy Immersia Jeux d'évasion

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmCreative workshop on digital tabletBy DRAC Centre-du-Québec

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmVirtual MissionsBy COSMODÔME

03jan(jan 3)10:00 am15feb(feb 15)4:00 pmTransformationsBY MUSÉE BORÉALIS

14jan(jan 14)1:00 pm08apr(apr 8)3:00 pmBeginner Digital PhotographyBy Sherbrooke loisirs-action

14jan(jan 14)6:30 pm26feb(feb 26)8:00 pmTemporelBY SOCIÉTÉ DES ARTS TECHNOLOGIQUES

01feb9:00 am31may(may 31)6:00 pmThe AURA ExperienceBy Moment Factory

01feb9:00 am21jun(jun 21)6:00 pmMontreal for Kids - Let's Go Out! Let's Have Fun! - BEYOND THE SUN - IN SEARCH OF A NEW EARTHBY Planétarium de Montréal

01feb1:00 pm08mar(mar 8)6:00 pmImmersion QuébecBY IMMERSION QUEBEC

03feb4:00 pm5:00 pmIntroduction to AI, BI, Data Science, and Their IntersectionBy FLY & Associés Inc.

04feb2:00 pm3:00 pmDigital Footprint: An Indelible LegacyBy CYBERCAP

04feb6:00 pm7:00 pmRaising awareness on the use of personal dataBy FLY & Associés Inc.

04feb6:00 pm9:00 pmRendez-vous en TechBY FEMMES+ EN TECH

04feb3:10 pm3:10 pmJean-Marc Vallée: Mixtape

04feb3:13 pm3:13 pmCreative workshops

04feb3:16 pm3:16 pmLCDF Challenge 2025

04feb3:21 pm3:21 pmÇa chauffe! Cool it

04feb3:34 pm3:34 pmRoot for Nature

08feb10:00 am12:00 pmSaturday Apprentice: Designing a KeychainBy Bibiothèque de Brossard Georgette-Lepage

09feb1:30 pm3:00 pmDigital Music CreationBy Bibliothèque Félix-Leclerc

10feb(feb 10)10:00 am14(feb 14)11:30 amAI and Art WorkshopBy Grandir Sans Frontières

10feb7:00 pm8:00 pmRendez-vous RAP, conference on perseveranceBy Culture VD

10feb8:12 pm10:00 pmTransfigurationBy Centre des Arts Baie-Comeau

11feb2:00 pm3:00 pmIdentity Theft and Account ProtectionBy CYBERCAP

12feb10:00 am12:00 amI dare TechBy DigiWomen

12feb(feb 12)4:30 pm19(feb 19)6:30 pmSecret Society of the Fab: Designing Articulated Objects or CharactersBy Bibiothèque de Brossard Georgette-Lepage

14feb10:45 am11:45 pmMeet up with Laurent Duvernay-Tardif and guestsBY RÉSEAU QUÉBÉCOIS POUR LA RÉUSSITE ÉDUCATIVE

15feb9:00 am5:00 pmWomen and Girls of Science – 8th editionBy CENTRE DES SCIENCES DE MONTRÉAL

15feb(feb 15)9:00 am16(feb 16)5:00 pmThe Dome: 360° immersive experienceBy Printemps numérique

16feb8:00 am3:00 pmGirls in scienceBy Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

18feb1:30 pm2:45 pmCinéclub L'ONF en biblio : Étoile du NordBy Réseau BIBLIO de la Montérégie

19feb(feb 19)10:00 am13oct(oct 13)9:00 pmLife ChroniclesBY CENTRE PHI

21feb10:00 am11:30 amExploring virtual realityBy Ville de Québec

21feb1:30 pm3:00 pmMicro:bit ProgrammingBy Bibliothèque Étienne-Parent

21feb3:00 pm4:00 pmReality After University – Careers in Entrepreneurship and AIBy FLY & Associés Inc.

22feb10:30 am12:00 pmProgramming spheros robotsBY VILLE DE QUÉBEC

22feb2:00 pm5:00 pmWorkshop on Algorithms and Filter BubblesBy The Center for Immigrant Student Reference

24feb(feb 24)9:00 am06mar(mar 6)8:00 pmThe Tannant(e)s MeetingsBy sodect - la Société de développement culturel de Terrebonne (SODECT)

24feb4:00 pm5:00 pmThe impact of digital technology in your work environmentBy Fly & Associés Inc.

26feb4:30 pm5:00 pmDo your "REEL"By Culture VD

28feb4:00 pm5:00 pmQ&A Sessions on Digital TechnologyBy FLY & Associés Inc.


27apr(apr 27)9:00 pm29mar(mar 29)10:00 pmTo your machines!By Musée d’histoire de Sherbrooke

28nov(nov 28)9:00 am09mar(mar 9)9:00 pmLumino, 15th editionBy Quartier des spectacles Montreal

04dec(dec 4)9:00 am07sep(sep 7)6:00 pmThe DNA of Superheroes – A Youth Adventure ExhibitionBy Musée Pop

19dec(dec 19)9:00 am21sep(sep 21)6:00 pmCrowds. Human LaboratoryBy Museum of Civilization

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmMuseum of IllusionPar Musée de l'illusion

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmTerra MutantèsBy Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmMusi'Quiz: The Musical GamePar Musi'Quiz

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmWarp Inc. - Time TravelBy Immersia Jeux d'évasion

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmCreative workshop on digital tabletBy DRAC Centre-du-Québec

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmVirtual MissionsBy COSMODÔME

14jan(jan 14)1:00 pm08apr(apr 8)3:00 pmBeginner Digital PhotographyBy Sherbrooke loisirs-action

01feb9:00 am31may(may 31)6:00 pmThe AURA ExperienceBy Moment Factory

01feb9:00 am21jun(jun 21)6:00 pmMontreal for Kids - Let's Go Out! Let's Have Fun! - BEYOND THE SUN - IN SEARCH OF A NEW EARTHBY Planétarium de Montréal

01feb1:00 pm08mar(mar 8)6:00 pmImmersion QuébecBY IMMERSION QUEBEC

19feb(feb 19)10:00 am13oct(oct 13)9:00 pmLife ChroniclesBY CENTRE PHI

24feb(feb 24)9:00 am06mar(mar 6)8:00 pmThe Tannant(e)s MeetingsBy sodect - la Société de développement culturel de Terrebonne (SODECT)

16mar9:00 am16may5:00 pmBanquet: Interactive exhibitionBy CENTRE DES SCIENCES DE MONTRÉAL


04dec(dec 4)9:00 am07sep(sep 7)6:00 pmThe DNA of Superheroes – A Youth Adventure ExhibitionBy Musée Pop

19dec(dec 19)9:00 am21sep(sep 21)6:00 pmCrowds. Human LaboratoryBy Museum of Civilization

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmMuseum of IllusionPar Musée de l'illusion

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmTerra MutantèsBy Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmMusi'Quiz: The Musical GamePar Musi'Quiz

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmWarp Inc. - Time TravelBy Immersia Jeux d'évasion

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmCreative workshop on digital tabletBy DRAC Centre-du-Québec

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmVirtual MissionsBy COSMODÔME

14jan(jan 14)1:00 pm08apr(apr 8)3:00 pmBeginner Digital PhotographyBy Sherbrooke loisirs-action

01feb9:00 am31may(may 31)6:00 pmThe AURA ExperienceBy Moment Factory

01feb9:00 am21jun(jun 21)6:00 pmMontreal for Kids - Let's Go Out! Let's Have Fun! - BEYOND THE SUN - IN SEARCH OF A NEW EARTHBY Planétarium de Montréal

19feb(feb 19)10:00 am13oct(oct 13)9:00 pmLife ChroniclesBY CENTRE PHI

16mar9:00 am16may5:00 pmBanquet: Interactive exhibitionBy CENTRE DES SCIENCES DE MONTRÉAL


04dec(dec 4)9:00 am07sep(sep 7)6:00 pmThe DNA of Superheroes – A Youth Adventure ExhibitionBy Musée Pop

19dec(dec 19)9:00 am21sep(sep 21)6:00 pmCrowds. Human LaboratoryBy Museum of Civilization

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmMuseum of IllusionPar Musée de l'illusion

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmTerra MutantèsBy Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmMusi'Quiz: The Musical GamePar Musi'Quiz

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmWarp Inc. - Time TravelBy Immersia Jeux d'évasion

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmCreative workshop on digital tabletBy DRAC Centre-du-Québec

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmVirtual MissionsBy COSMODÔME

01feb9:00 am31may(may 31)6:00 pmThe AURA ExperienceBy Moment Factory

01feb9:00 am21jun(jun 21)6:00 pmMontreal for Kids - Let's Go Out! Let's Have Fun! - BEYOND THE SUN - IN SEARCH OF A NEW EARTHBY Planétarium de Montréal

19feb(feb 19)10:00 am13oct(oct 13)9:00 pmLife ChroniclesBY CENTRE PHI

16mar9:00 am16may5:00 pmBanquet: Interactive exhibitionBy CENTRE DES SCIENCES DE MONTRÉAL


04dec(dec 4)9:00 am07sep(sep 7)6:00 pmThe DNA of Superheroes – A Youth Adventure ExhibitionBy Musée Pop

19dec(dec 19)9:00 am21sep(sep 21)6:00 pmCrowds. Human LaboratoryBy Museum of Civilization

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmMuseum of IllusionPar Musée de l'illusion

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmTerra MutantèsBy Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmMusi'Quiz: The Musical GamePar Musi'Quiz

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmWarp Inc. - Time TravelBy Immersia Jeux d'évasion

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmCreative workshop on digital tabletBy DRAC Centre-du-Québec

01jan9:00 am31dec(dec 31)5:00 pmVirtual MissionsBy COSMODÔME

01feb9:00 am21jun(jun 21)6:00 pmMontreal for Kids - Let's Go Out! Let's Have Fun! - BEYOND THE SUN - IN SEARCH OF A NEW EARTHBY Planétarium de Montréal

19feb(feb 19)10:00 am13oct(oct 13)9:00 pmLife ChroniclesBY CENTRE PHI

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