
Here are suggestions for digital resources in Quebec to continue to discover, learn, develop your skills, explore, raise awareness and get involved !

Also guides and tools available for teachers, youth workers and parents.

  • Écran Partagé
    Écran Partagé helps parents, young people and neophytes to better understand video games. 
  • Truth or Lie? The Game – Montréal Science Center
    Test your critical thinking skills by identifying hoaxes in a quiz. Then create your own hoax: the discovery of a new species of animal that you will create from scratch using photos of animals and landscapes.
  • Pause-techno IA – *Only in French. A series of eight video capsules produced by Héros de chez nous. This series explores the interdisciplinarity of artificial intelligence (AI) through various fields such as video games, the environment, transportation, health, quantum, ethics, and future career opportunities.
  • Pause ton écran – Espace JeunesCapsana *Only in French. Pause to find your digital balance. Discover a host of challenges, quizzes, tips and articles to help you better manage your online connections! A Capsana project.
  • #ForYou: A Game About Algorithms – HabiloMédias
    #ForYou is a card-based pattern-matching game that helps youth aged 13 to 18 understand the role that algorithms play in their online and offline lives, and the value of their personal information to companies that use those algorithms. The game is designed to be delivered either in school or in community spaces such as homework or coding clubs.
    This tool was developed to support First Nations students in their learning in a culturally sensitive and relevant manner.
  • La plateforme éducative Télé-Québec en classe – Télé-Québec en classe
    The Télé-Québec en classe platform offers teachers and students a wide selection of relevant content. Among other things, you’ll find 13 reading lists specially created for Digital Youth Month, addressing various themes related to digital citizenship.
    -> In addition, here are some suggestions for classroom activities:
    -> To see what we have to offer for Digital Youth Month, go to
  • Empreinte numérique & Réseaux sociaux – Vivala
    Vivala shares with you a special file to better understand your digital footprint on social networks.
  • Digital street workersFondation gardiens virtuels
    Digital street workers collaborate with streamers during their playful online broadcasts, using tools such as online chat to offer support to young people. This approach preserves young people’s anonymity while reaching them in a playful broadcast context, offering support tailored to their needs through experts trained to accompany them safely and effectively.
    Help students develop simple skills for evaluating the credibility of sources and the accuracy of online information.
  • This Climate Does Not Exist – Mila – Quebec AI Institute
    AI and empathy-based experience that allows its users to imagine the environmental impacts of the current climate crisis, one address at a time.
  • Campagne Pensez Cybersécurité – Government of Canada
    A national public awareness campaign designed to educate Canadians about online safety and the steps they can take to protect themselves online.
  • Break the Fake – MediaSmarts
    These short quizzes and videos will teach you how to spot suspicious messages and publications.
  • « Données »-moi de l’oxygène – RÉCIT
    This free interactive learning activity helps youth understand and reflect on the environmental impact of digital technology.
  • eduMedia Sciences – eduMedia
    Specialized educational website making science and math learning accessible from elementary to high school
  • Climate Tactics – Montréal Science Center
    The spirit of the Bear is losing its footing, the ice pack that serves as its ground is melting under the greenhouse gases. He needs you to clear the cloud and free himself.
  • The Digital2030 Challenge – Digital Moment
    Challenge with a different theme each year, while you discover how digital skills, AI and data, ethics and technology can help solve the world’s most pressing problems.
  • Le Curieux – Le Curieux Info
    Le Curieux is a digital newspaper that popularizes news for young people and deals with current social issues, including those of digital citizenship.
  • Take a breath. Don’t let your stress have the last word! – Fondation André-Boudreau and the Public Health Department of the CISSS
    The campaign is aimed at elementary school students and teens, as well as their parents and caregivers. It aims to raise awareness about anxiety, stress and hyperconnectivity, but also to promote positive mental health and the healthy use of screens.
  • Youth entrepreneurship in the digital age – aSafari
    Doing business with aSafari while protecting your privacy.
  • Code in the Classroom – Digital Moment
    Code in the Classroom workshops give your students the opportunity to interact directly with technology, block programming, and computational thinking. A KCJ instructor will guide you and your students in a live, online collaborative teaching environment.
  • Alice – Carnegie Mellon University
    Creation of virtual animation, learning game programming.
  • #GetDataLit – Digital Moment
    Helps raise awareness and educate children about the influence of algorithms on our digital experiences. 
  • Computing – Khan Academy
    Learn to code, travel through the world of Cryptography, follow the lessons of the Hour of Code and much more!
  • CODE MTL – Fondation pour les élèves de Montréal
    Code MTL is a project that aims to foster digital literacy in students aged 5 to 12 through visual programming.
  • MLab Creaform – Musée de la civilisation
    A laboratory for creation and digital experimentation.
  • Le Wagon Montréal – Coding Bootcamp – Le Wagon
    Le Wagon ( teaches you the tech skills to future-proof your career and take up your next challenge through immersive Web Development and Data Science coding bootcamps across 39+ cities and 22 countries. Since 2013, our cutting-edge curriculum and world-class teachers have given professionals from all backgrounds the skills and tools needed to kick-start their tech career, land a job as a software developer, product manager, join a data science team, or launch their own startup.
  • Ateliers de robotique, modélisation 3D et création de jeux vidéo – Grandir Sans Frontières
    Growing Up Strong’s online digital library offers a series of pathways with different digital workshops.
  • Neo Collège – Neo Collège
    The activities offered on this site are developed in the form of mini-trainings, with the involvement of young people to ensure that they speak to their realities and are relevant to their needs. The mini-trainings are accessible free of charge online, enabling young people to access educational and interactive activities at any time and at their own pace. 
  • Alec EduMedia
    A collection of digital games for revising math and French in primary school. 
  • The Quantum Enigmas Institut quantique de l’Université de Sherbrooke
    Discover the fascinating world of quantum programming with Alice and her friends Bob, Charlie, Dahlia and Eve! You’ll travel through a world populated by characters who will challenge you. At the same time, you’ll encounter many of the fundamental concepts of quantum computing.
  • Studio Riopelle is a free educational interface available to all Canadian schools! – Jean Paul Riopelle Foundation
    In this presentation of the Studio Riopelle pedagogical interface, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the multitude of fun and stimulating resources available to you: 100+ works, 5 themes related to the work of Jean Paul Riopelle, 10 art projects for young people and teens, 5 online creation games for everyone, 18 didactic, technical and thematic videos, 1 page: Meet Riopelle, 1 lexicon, 1 Teacher’s Guide, 1 Rio!
  • MACrépertoire – MAC Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
    MACrepertoire is a unique digital platform designed to increase the discoverability of the MAC collections. A remarkable national collection, with nearly 8000 works.
  • Fonofone – COSIMU
    Mini-studio allowing to play with recorded sounds and designed for collective performance. Available on iPad and soon on all supports via WEB, it favors an immediate and intuitive relationship with sound creation and the various techniques of composition.
  • Mission Lifeboat – Montréal Science Center
    Play with science and prototyping in the “Lifeboat Challenge”! Put your creativity to work and watch yourself explore and invent! So much fun!
  • ScienceXpress – Montréal Science Center
    Looking for an experiment, a DIY, a trippy video? This is the place to be!
  • Lab-yrinthe – UQAM
    Lab-yrinthe introduces the various forms that digital artworks can take and offers modules to support the publishing industry in the production of digital artworks for young people. 
  •  MLab Creaform – Musée de la civilisation
    A laboratory for creation and digital experimentation.
  • Media School : Digital Storytelling– ONF
    Digital Storytelling is an introductory workshop on media production guided by filmmaker and mentor Paul Tom. Students will navigate through hundreds of videos and interactive activities related to the different stages of film production. They will acquire the tools to create their own digital stories, dynamic videos composed of photos, narration and music, using accessible equipment such as their smartphones and widely available software.
  • Puzzle Danse Agora de la danse
    Puzzle danse is a creative game from Agora de la danse at the crossroads of digital puzzles and choreographic creation. Play choreographer, invent a dance and share it! Choose a dance style and music, and assemble dance pieces to create a choreography.
  • TroubadourNanomonx
    Troubadour is a creative writing platform that helps to develop the writing skills of elementary school students. In a unique and fun way, it allows the creation of settings that encourage the emergence of ideas and facilitate the writing process.
  • MACrépertoire Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
    The MACrepertoire is a diversified source of information on the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal’s collection, artists, events and publications since its founding in 1964. This evolving research tool makes available to the general public the rich array of works and resources related to the MAC’s collections and cultural programming, with an emphasis on visual content, including countless images and videos. The Museum also freely shares open data content to promote the influence of contemporary art in the digital space, as well as the accessibility and creative reuse of data through innovative projects linked to the collections (data visualization, applications, etc.).
  • La plateforme éducative Télé-Québec en classe – Télé-Québec en classe
    The Télé-Québec en classe educational platform offers a host of captivating, free resources for developing young people’s digital literacy. Many of them offer pedagogical inspiration for use in the classroom.
    -> To see our suggestions for classroom activities:
    -> To see what we have to offer for Youth Digital Month:
  • #DansLaToile –
    Short webseries. Mitzi and Noah will learn to identify responsible behaviors that ensure safe navigation – so that one day they can venture out on their own #InTheWeb in complete freedom.
  • Pause-techno IA – *Only in French. A series of eight video capsules produced by Héros de chez nous. This series explores the interdisciplinarity of artificial intelligence (AI) through various fields such as video games, the environment, transportation, health, quantum, ethics, and future career opportunities.
  • En Ligne – Télé-Québec
    The comedian Mehdi Bousaidan dives into the digital world in search of practical advice and essential notions to adopt good online practices.
  • Branchés et futés (BD) – Commissariat à la protection de la vie privée du Canada
    A comic book to help young Canadians better understand online privacy issues and how to surf the Internet safely.
  • Festival du numérique et de l’entrepreneuriat – COlab innovation sociale et culture numérique
    This content, accompanied by educational sheets, will allow young people to identify with positive role models who have unique and inspiring journeys.
  •  Allô Lél’IA – CScience IA
    Series of humorous and original video capsules about Artificial Intelligence.
  • The Age of A.I. – YouTube Learning
    Robert Downey Jr. hosts a brand new YouTube Originals series – The Age of A.I. Discover the most innovative and leading technologies that will change the world forever.
  • Le Wagon Live – Le Wagon
    Every week, Le Wagon invites a tech entrepreneur to share their story.
  • La Puce à l’oreille – La puce à l’oreille
    La puce à l’oreille imagines, creates, produces and distributes narrative audio content (podcasts, audio tours, audio guides, etc.) for French-speaking children and adolescents.
  • Les comptes des 1001 merdes – Musée de la civilisation
    Underestimated riches, inexhaustible sources of humor and bearers of social issues, human dejecta are nevertheless completely evacuated from cultural and social discourse. Lend an ear, shit is an excrementally rich subject!
  • Le Projet Code IA – CScience Le Lab
    Code IA is a Quebec web documentary series composed of five 12-minute episodes in which six students from the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), aged between 19 and 27, have the mission of proposing, in pairs, a concrete solution based on coding and programming in artificial intelligence.
  • La série Décoder le monde – Musée de la civilisation. Researchers, thinkers and artists cross their gaze and bring a lively light to the great questions that animate the scientific and social news.The Decoding the World series is co-organized by the Fonds de recherche du Québec and the Musée de la civilisation.
  • Série. HUMANITEQ – savoir. média
    Entitled AI & Humanity, the first series of HUMANITEQ includes five episodes addressing the issues of synthetic voice, personal assistants, autonomous cars, automatic text generators and personalized recommendation systems.
  • Mini-lesson – In the Shadow of the Star Wars Kid – Read NFB
    NFB EDUCATION is the NFB’s educational platform where you will find a multitude of films, workshops and educational resources related to major social issues here and elsewhere!
    Quebec teachers (primary, secondary, adult education), create your NFB CAMPUS account and access the mini-lessons and other educational resources for free via this link :
  • #VraimentVrai –Agence Science-Presse
    *In french only.
    A series of 4 video vignettes with
    journalists specializing in misinformation or science who share their thoughts
    on their jobs and tips for verifying information. Presented by Agence
  • Troubadour – Nanomonx
    Troubadour is an online resource designed to help elementary school students improve their writing skills. With its unique interface, it encourages the emergence of ideas and places the learner at the heart of his or her learning.
  • Extrait du roman augmenté Bandits des mers – Les Éditions AppLit
    *In French. Lora Boisvert and Carolyn Chouinard offer an immersive experience combining literature and augmented reality. Thanks to the AppLit Editions application, dive into the heart of the plot, observe the settings in 360 degrees and solve the riddles!
  • L’île du savoir – Archipel Virtuel – Eurêka
    An exciting (and educational!) game for 8 years old and up, and a unique cultural window on science and technology!
  • Interland – Google
    Online adventure game, which presents the key points of digital security in the form of practical exercises.
  • Alec (Apprendre à Lire Et Compter) – eduMedia
    Alec is a collection of educational games for practicing French and math in preschool and elementary school.
  • App mobile éducative Ecoist Club – Ecoist Club
    Measure your digital carbon footprint and adopt sustainable digital practices suggested by experts.
  • Xplore – Pixsenses
    An educational game in augmented reality.
  • Snowclass – Emerging Playgrounds
    Interactive learning in French and mathematics.
  • Protection of personal information – École de Technologie Supérieure
    *Only offered in French. General public summary of the content of the ÉTS gti720 course on privacy. Potential for privacy inference and privacy enhancing technologies will be discussed.
  • Privacy Pirates – HabiloMédias
    This interactive game introduces children, ages 7-9, to the concept of online privacy and teaches them to distinguish between information that is appropriate to give out and information better kept private – and to recognize how this may change in different contexts.
  • Femmes et numérique – Printemps numérique
    Through nine short videos, meet these women who have chosen to take their place in order to make gender diversity exist in the digital field. See the impact you can have with your skills.
  • Ma carrière techno – Ma vie techno
    Tests, advice and a wide range of information related to careers and training in information and communication technologies (ICT).
  • Academos – Academos
    Academos is the essential application for finding your dream job.
  • Guide de l’industrie :: NUMÉRIQUE – Le Lien MULTIMÉDIA
    Much more than a simple address book, the Guide de l’industrie :: NUMÉRIQUE is continuously updated and presents in detail more than 2,500 companies, 6,000 contacts in the industry as well as their suppliers.
  • Découvrir les emplois d’avenir – Gouvernement du Québec
    A job with a future has favorable employment or labor market integration prospects. For example, when the number of people enrolled in a training program leading to a job is insufficient to meet the need, it is considered a job with a future. This makes it an excellent career choice!
  • Post-secondary programs in computer graphics– SYNTHÈSE
    Develop the skills you need to successfully enter the job market.
  • Computer graphics companies – SYNTHÈSE
    Work in a fast-growing industry.
  • Top 20 des métiers d’avenir en web au Québec –
    Web career, internet, techno, employment, shortage of manpower in demand. Salary, tasks, training and skills, we tell you everything about the Web professions in Quebec!
  • Le Wagon Live – Le Wagon
    Every week, Le Wagon invites a tech entrepreneur to share their story.
  • Les métiers du Développement Web – Le Wagon
    You know it well: today, technology is everywhere! The web and mobile applications are constantly evolving, and companies must surround themselves with competent profiles. Fullstack developer, Product Owner, UX Designer… each of these professions responds to specific challenges! To help you see more clearly, here is more information on their missions and the skills needed to perform them. 
  • Les métiers de la Data Science – Le Wagon
    With the rise of Big Data, the profiles trained in Data Science are increasingly sought after by companies. Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer… each of these professions responds to specific challenges! To help you see more clearly, here is more information on their missions and the skills needed to perform them.
  • Mon Avenir TI Mon Avenir TI
    Group of employers and partners in the Quebec City region promoting the digital sector and opportunities for training and employment.
  • BOUSSOLE: the portal for the jobs of the future in digital creation  SYNTHÈSE
    PExplore BOUSSOLE, the educational and career guidance portal, to discover the video game, digital experience, visual effects and animation sectors in Quebec.
    Through this virtual toolbox, dive into the heart of the digital creation sectors and consult detailed job descriptions enriched with video capsules from professionals in the Quebec industry.
    You’ll also have the opportunity to explore the training programs offered by educational institutions across Quebec.
    If you dream of participating in a creative, young and dynamic industry, your adventure begins on BOUSSOLE! !
  • MLab Creaform – Musée de la civilisation
    The MLab Creaform is a digital creation and experimentation laboratory at the Musée de la civilisation dedicated to digital exploration. Visitors of all ages can learn about technologies or imagine new digital creations based on the Museum, its exhibitions and its themes.
  • FabLab Onaki – Fab Lab Gatineau
    The FabLab Onaki is the first indigenous Fab Lab in Canada and is in the heart of Gatineau. Although it is open to all, offering services and resources are designed from an Aboriginal perspective.
  • COlab – Fab Lab Alma
    From ideation to design, through manufacturing and experimentation, your ideas will take shape in our labs.
  • Espace créatif de la Bibliothèque François-Hertel – Fab Lab La Pocatière
    A space whose mission is to encourage the development of creativity in its users.
  • échofab – Fab Lab Montreal
    echofab, your FabLab to realize all your projects (or almost)!
  • Fab Lab du Musée de l’Ingéniosité J.Armand Bombardier– Fab Lab Valcourt
    The Fab Lab philosophy is based on boosting creativity through teamwork and promoting a “repair instead of replace” approach. The Museum’s Fab Lab allows users to share ideas with the international Fab Lab network.
  • Fabricathèque de Pierrefonds – Fab Lab Pierrefonds
    The Pierrefonds Library is an exceptional gathering place, at the cutting edge of technology. Explore your digital creativity!
  • Fab Lab Brossard – Fab Lab Brossard
    Fab Lab Brossard is a community space where you can make anything and everything. Our digital fabrication tools open up a world of possibilities while our spirit of mutual aid makes the place fun and accessible.
  • FABBULLE Fab Lab de Rivière-du-Loup – Fab Lab Rivière-du-Loup
    Fun machines, software, and projects to get you going in the Fab Lab.
  • Le Square – BAnQ
    Digital creation space for 13-17 years old.
  • Fab Lab Wawatce – Fab Lab La Tuque
    The Atikamekw Wawacte FabLab is sponsored by the First Peoples Innovation Centre and is a non-profit organization that promotes development and innovation based on knowledge of the emerging digital age.
  • In the skin of an LGBT person – Fondation Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais
    A unifying and educational virtual reality project that allows people to witness firsthand the microaggressions experienced by members of the LGBT community.
  • Un travail d’équipe – Fondation Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais
    In partnership with the Quebec Bar Association, the Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation has designed an innovative and stimulating educational project for high school students that will contribute to the implementation of a culture of peer mediation, useful in teamwork.
  • – RÉCIT Service national du développement de la personne.
  • Pause ton écran – Espace professionnel – Capsana *Only in French. The PAUSE team, supported by its committee of experts, offers tools and information to help professionals in various fields intervene with young people, both to prevent harm linked to the use of the Internet and screens, and to support those most at risk.
  • The platform allows preschool, elementary and high school teachers in Quebec to help their students develop their ethical citizenship in the digital age by sharing learning activities and other free educational resources in an empowering and creative approach.
  • Alphanumérique: Communauté de Pratique – Techno Culture Club
    Starting a discussion: Animation and facilitation, Logistics, Design and development, Technical issues, Private discussions, etc. Useful documents and links to AlphaNumerique resources.
  • The Family Survival Guide to a Pandemic – L’École branchée
    A practical guide to help parents better support their children in online learning.
  • Alec (Apprendre à Lire Et Compter) – eduMedia
    Alec is a collection of educational games for practicing French and math in preschool and elementary school.
  • Les Influenceurs – Le RÉCIT
    This activity invites reflection on the impact of influencers and influencer marketing on individuals, society and the environment.
  • Kat’IA – Expliquer l’IA aux enfants! – CScience Le Lab
    Kat’AI is a creative, educational and inclusive project bringing together 66 students from Guy Drummond Elementary School and experts in artificial intelligence. Together, they created cartoon videos and digital educational kits on new technologies.
  • Relève numérique et Parcours 18-35 – CyberCap
    CyberCap is the first and only digital incubator in Quebec to work on both school perseverance and reintegration to help young people find their place in society.
  • Agence de ressources éducatives numériques – ARÉN
    A dynamic online catalog entirely dedicated to the promotion and sale of digital educational resources that complement subject matter teaching and classroom management.
  • SCOOP! Apprendre avec l’actualité – l’École branchée
    Use current events to activate or anchor your students’ knowledge and discover various uses of digital tools to promote sustainable learning.
  • Take a breath. Don’t let your stress have the last word! – Fondation André-Boudreau and the Public Health Department of the CISSS
    The campaign is aimed at elementary school students and teens, as well as their parents and caregivers. It aims to raise awareness about anxiety, stress and hyperconnectivity, but also to promote positive mental health and the healthy use of screens.
    Better understand video games and protect your children in their practice.
  • Alterados animation toolsRegroupement des maisons des jeunes du Québec
    The Alterados project explores the theme of healthy relationships in the age of social networking, and 2 turnkey animation tools have been created to help practitioners spark conversation with young people: the As-tu liké? game and the online animation tool.
  • La Fabrique numériqueCOlab innovation sociale et culture numérique
    La Fabrique numérique is a turnkey educational resource dedicated to teachers, enabling them to foster the development of young people’s digital skills through the dissemination of contextualized content and the exploration of various themes.
  • Digital street workers – Fondation gardiens virtuels
    Digital street workers collaborate with streamers during their playful online broadcasts, using tools such as online chat to offer support to young people. This approach preserves young people’s anonymity while reaching them in a playful broadcast context, offering support tailored to their needs through experts trained to accompany them safely and effectively.

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